It’s really not hard to figure out which franchises are the most successful. You see them advertised everywhere, and cannot drive through a shopping canter anywhere in the UK without passing one or more of them.
Not only do you know who they are, you have probably been in some of them so many times that you know exactly what they have to offer. These franchises, in other words, have succeeded wildly in branding their products. What are they?
Franchise restaurants, of course. Anybody borne after 1955 probably cannot remember a world in which McDonald’s didn’t exist, and they were only the beginning. If you are one of the millions of people thinking about breaking away from the nine-to-five routine and starting your own business, you could do much worse than a franchise restaurant.
Why? Because given the choice of trying to establish a loyal customer base for a new, unfamiliar product of your own choosing, and going with a restaurant franchise with food already familiar and proven to keep the customers coming back, the odds are definitely on the side of the franchise restaurant.